Math Olympiad competitions enrich students with great problem solving skills and show their ability in world’s competitive environment.

Every year, thousands of students across India participate in this competition at primary, secondary, & junior college levels.

It is an opportunity to enrich your resume that secure admission in top college, university or school. mathXpert offers math Olympiad enrichment programs for interested student who want to compete in primary-level math Olympiad.

The Mathematics Olympiad program follows the following 5 stages :
1. Stage I : Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad (Pre-RMO)
2. Stage II : Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO)
3. Stage III : Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO)
4. Stage IV : International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC)
5. Stage V : Pre-departure Training Camp for IMO
6. Stage VI : International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)

Program Details

Primary 2 – Primary 6
Aged 8 years old & above

Private, one-on-one classes : Undivided attention from trainer

  • Personalized schedule : Classes are based on your child’s current performance level
  • Flexible schedule : No. of hours, no. of times a week etc.
mathXpert math Olympiad enrichment program” prepare students for basic fundamentals, advanced concepts and strategies to tackle the questions pertaining to national math Olympiad in India.
Topics Covered 
LogicWorst-case scenario, Pattern recognition, Magic squares
Number PropertiesIntegers, Fractions, Evens & Odds, Consecutives, Divisibility, Exponents, Primes & their applications, Digit Behavior
SequencesArithmetic, General
Rates & Word ProblemsTravel rate, Work rate, Time, Age, Money
GeometryLines & Angles, Triangles, Polygons, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere, Cuboid, Cube
Sets & GridsUse of Venn Diagrams, Use of Grids
CountingPermutations & Combinations
StatisticsMean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation